Be Remarkable

by Ray Reuter on May 25, 2010

Be Remarkable

Nobody talks about boring!  To gain awareness of yourself, your business, your product or service, your passion – you must be “worthy of notice or attention.”  Be someone or something that causes others to REMARK and spread the word.

Author and speaker Scott Ginsberg has a unique approach to being remarkable.  Scott is somewhat easy to find because he will have a name tag on saying – “Hello, my name is Scott.”  What’s unique is that Scott always wears a name tag.  ScottBe Remarkable | Nametag Scott has made a business out of doing fundamentally one thing – wearing a name tag every single day, all day, for over 8 years.

Not surprisingly, Scott’s core competence is about approachability.  Ginsberg found that his name tag made him more approachable and he stood out and got attention.  He has written 8 books about this subject.  The point is that people talk about Scott and his commitment to wearing a name tag every day for the rest of his life.  It causes Scott to be worthy of attention and notice.

What are you doing to make yourself or your product / service noticeable, extraordinary, conspicuous, worthy of attention?  To build a business, brand, practice, or support for a cause – rise above boring.  Discover or create something that prompts people to take note and compels them to tell others about you.  Simply – BE REMARKABLE!

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