Steps have edges and corners. They take effort to go up. People fall down steps and get hurt. If we want to exercise, we can “take the stairs.” Athletes often use stairs to get stronger and work out.
Ramps, on the other hand, are built and designed to make things more “easily accessible.” They are easier to go up, and easier to go down. Ramps can be fun. Steps can be dangerous.
Both steps and ramps are used for the same purpose — to go up or down — but one is constructed to be “hard” and one is created to be “easy.”
In our relationships, personally and professionally, I propose we want to be more like ramps than steps. We want to be “easily accessible” and not hard or difficult. We want to be welcoming and not a lot of work.
Picture of Lucy & Henry going down Papa’s homemade ramp. Fun and easy!
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