We’ve all heard the rule … MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! This usually applies to a raffle or a drawing to win something special.
What if we applied this instruction to every day living? You must be present to win — every moment of every day. The result is a heightened attentiveness to time and the way you spend it. Nothing is more precious.
This is evident when you consider that in one tiny moment heaven may be gained or lost. God, the master of time, never gives the future. He gives each of us only the present moment, for this is the law of creation. God creates moment by moment, and God will not contradict himself in His creation.
Time is for man / woman, not man / woman for time. God, the Lord of nature, the Creator of the universe, will never anticipate our choices which follow one after another in time. At the last judgment, none of us will be able to use the excuse before God … “You overwhelmed me with the future when I was only capable of living in the present.” Win the prize of each moment by being present.
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