Live to Start. Start to Live. This is beautiful life philosophy called “Gavin’s Law” from the book by Richie Norton called The Power of Starting Something Stupid: How to Crush Fear, Make Dreams Happen & Live Without Regret. “Gavin’s Law” is named after Richie’s brother-in-law Gavin, who died at 21, just two years before the death of his baby boy Gavin.
It is yet another reminder that life is short — we do not know how many more breathes we have left. So … don’t wait, start, be present, live with meaning and intention.
In his book, Norton outlines a S.T.A.R.T. mindset — five principles to live by based on the word “start.”
- SERVE. Be a servant, a giver, a sower.
- THANK. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. All is gift.
- ASK. Be humble and ask for help, support, wisdom, guidance, direction.
- RECEIVE. Fully embrace all you receive — not just the “thing” but also the person.
- TRUST. Be trustworthy. Extend trust — first to yourself and then to others.
Let us start for we have been given a life to live …
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