One of my favorite parables is the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13: 1-9). From the perspective of the sower, I admire that he sows with reckless abandon. I imagine he has a big bag of seed and is just sowing it all over the place. He is not judging where to sow — the focus is just on sowing. Trusting the process. Not wondering or over thinking the situation with doubtful self-talk such as …
- … not sure that is good, fertile soil over there.
- … That ground doesn’t look too receptive to me.
- … they seem busy — I’ll pass over that space.
- … I’m not sure I’m worthy to sow there.
- … I’m afraid I will run out so I’m going save some seed back.
- … I’m not sure today is the best day to sow so I’ll wait until tomorrow.
- … I sowed there last week — that should be enough.
Nope — none of that. Just sow baby sow! With reckless abandon.
Considerations on how you and I can practice the art of good sowing …
- Make the phone call.
- Send the email. Write the note / letter.
- Invite the person … and their friend.
- Ask the question. And the next question.
- Say thank you. Express your appreciation.
- Say I love you! Multiple times.
- Greet one another. Smile.
- Hugs, handshakes, high-fives.
- Listen.
- Provide feedback to help someone grow and improve.
- Give the $20 not the $1.
- Take the risk. Start something.
- Pray without ceasing.
There is plenty of seed. Go be reckless …
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