I recently had a dramatic insight due to a change in perspective. I found myself in a place of overwhelm … Every now and then that big wave comes and washes over me and I find myself laying face down in the sand, struggling to get up. I was tired, whiny, woe-is-me, look how hard life is, blah, blah, blah. The focus was all about me and I was not living in mission with an attitude of service.
Then BAM! I go to a talk by Ron Rolheiser and he talks about the middle stage of life — Generative Discipleship — which is all about the struggle to give our life away. The key word being GIVE. These “GENERATIVE” years are the best years of my / our life. These are years of PRIVILEGE. Privilege … something regarded as a rare opportunity and bringing particular pleasure. These are the years as mature adults when we “carry others” and gain wisdom as elders.
With that fresh, new perspective … I realize and embrace what an incredible privilege it is to be a husband, father, grandfather (Papa Ray), coach, teacher, trainer, unfetterer of potential, marked man for Christ, spiritual guide, and all the other roles and callings in my life.
What incredible privileges do you have in your life?
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