I have remarked and experienced multiple times how from the moment I first became “Papa Ray” my understanding of my Heavenly Father has grown. I am aware of His unconditional love for me. I am aware of His desire for me to spend time with Him, to hang out and play and talk and BE with Him. I am aware that at times He craves my undivided attention. And now I am aware of His jealousy when I put other gods / idols before Him.
See, as the grandchildren have gotten older, the number of distractions and alternatives to spending time with Papa have also multiplied. Of particular note I find myself now competing with “tablet time.” Tablets are a new idol. Their desire for “tablet time” increasingly exceeds the desire to be with Papa. Papa feels rejected and less important, less a part of their lives. There is less and less time for me. Something “more attractive” has taken Papa’s place.
Do’h! The gift I discover for myself in this is how God longs for me to spend time with Him yet I have my own version of “tablet time” — things that are more shiny and attractive, things that take me away from Heavenly Papa time, things that take priority, things that I regard with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion. I have my own screen idols.
The good news is that tablets do have a OFF switch … and better yet God is always ON and waiting for me, waiting for you.
NOTE: Not coincidentally this post was written with Jesus in the Adoration Chapel.
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