Life Before Death

by Ray Reuter on February 27, 2014

Life Before DeathA lot of energy and thinking power is spent on the question: “Is there life after death?” I recently read this is the wrong question! Rather, a better question is … Is there life before death?!  Scripture speaks of eternal life — which means without time, timeless. The implication is that right now we are experiencing eternal life. Yes, eternal life is happening right here and right now. Life before death. Are you fully living?! If not, what are you waiting for?

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Batuhan October 28, 2015 at 2:27 pm

I’m glad you had trouble piknicg which ones were your favorite. I guess that means I did something right in my original vision for this. Some of these statements aren’t original though and will intentionally feel familiar. For example, the Life’s not complicated. Be simple. statement is a variation on a Confucius quote. But most of these are just Joelisms and I want them to come off as different at the very least.


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