Can You Slow Down?

by Ray Reuter on January 22, 2015

Can You Slow DownA few Saturdays ago Julie and I took Calvin & Lucy to Union Station. As we walked from the parking lot to the entrance, Calvin asked me, “Can you slow down grandpa?” My pace was too fast for him to keep up. Then, as we entered Union Station, Calvin insisted that we take the big stairs to the main level – not the escalator or elevator – the stairs! On the main level Calvin and Lucy pointed out all kinds of things that caught their attention and pointed them out to us.

This experience stuck with me as well as the question, “Can You Slow Down?” Am I willing to “take the stairs” vs. the faster, more expedient options? Can I allow myself to SEE things as a child sees things and not be so intent on getting to where I want to go? The insight I had was that I focus on getting to the destination as quick as I can … while Calvin & Lucy embraced the journey. It prompted me to write the following affirmations to serve as key reminders …

  • Throughout the day, my eyes see and acknowledge the abundant blessings that God has provided to me.
  • I am spiritually awake, with my eyes wide open, allowing all of life to surprise me.

How about you? Can you slow down and take the stairs?

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