JOY Round

by Ray Reuter on May 10, 2018

I just had a privileged opportunity to work with strengthening a group of leaders in Africa for Marked Men for Christ ministry. To become stronger men for Jesus Christ, it is important to do “soul work” on those areas of our lives that prevent us from being who God made us to be. This work often centers around “wounds” related to anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety / worry, shame, fear, etc. Lots of ickiness.

And I firmly believe and am a raving advocate that equally vital is work on JOY. JOY is a different muscle that must be exercised and strengthened. After all, Jesus said to his friends, “I have told you this (if you keep my commands) so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” —John 15:11. Too often, we hide our joy just like we hide our woundedness. The result is we play small, we show up insignificant.

I challenged the circle of men in Africa to recall and share a recent experience of JOY. What transpired was a period of laughter, playfulness, friendship, bliss, happiness, and unfetteredness! It was a glimpse of heaven.

Now it is your turn … I challenge you as well. Spread your JOY!

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