Riding Bent

by Ray Reuter on June 10, 2010

Riding BentI love to bike ride.  Over the years I have accumulated three bikes that serve different purposes.  One of the bikes is a recumbent bike with under seat steering.  I chose to ride that bike this weekend for the first time this year.  Whenever I ride my recumbent – or “bent” for short – I feel dorky and uncomfortable.  It stretches me outside my comfort zone as I think about what others are saying and thinking about me.  “Who is this guy?”  “Look at that goofy bike?”  I usually ride alone as no one in my family wants to go with me when I ride that bike.

For some reason, I felt more dorky and awkward than ever this weekend.  Getting outside my comfort zone has been a test for me lately in a challenging business environment.  That said, facing and overcoming my fears of discomfort builds my confidence and strengthens me.  I feel good about prevailing over what others think and what I look like.  Having the courage to do something unusual feels empowering, even if it is simply riding a different bike.

Different times call for different approaches and often “riding bent.”  In what area of your life are you being called to “ride bent” – to do something uncomfortable, maybe a bit dorky, without regard to what others say or think?

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