Just tOdaY

by Ray Reuter on April 5, 2013

Sketch 2013-03-22 19_49_30

Each year I challenge myself to come up with a “theme” or “mantra” for the year.  One of my favorites that I continue to treasure is “Just Today.”  I look at that phrase, and I see the word JOY.  The idea is to find the JOY in every day …

Just today … love and accept yourself for who you are regardless of what you do, make, or produce.
Just today … let go of any fear, anger, resentment that is keeping you fettered.
Just today … look for and see God in all things.  He is there.  Find Him.
Just today … bless someone or something in your life.
Just today … be grateful for what you have, not what you have not.
Just today … make a small, incremental improvement in one aspect of your life.
Just today … tell someone you love them.
Just today … pause, breathe, listen, reflect for at least a moment.  Be still.
Just today … acknowledge you have what it takes to handle anything that comes your way.
Just today … embrace the journey of change, growth, and development in your life.
Just today … 

 Be aware of these practices and find the JOYJust tOdaY” … and again every day you are given.

       (graphics by Jordan Reuter)

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