The Futility of Early Truth

by Ray Reuter on November 10, 2016

img_1138The results of this week’s election certainly surprised many many folks all searching for and trying to predict the outcome or “early truth.” This has been going on for months, and as I watched the drama unfold on America’s Election Headquarters and other media sources, it continued in earnest. Pundits were playing with their big screen touch pads doing their very best to determine who would win a particular county, state, electoral votes, and ultimate the presidency. And in the end, almost all predictions were wrong. The “truth” was not to be grasped until all the votes were tallied and the process was complete. It was futile to determine the truth early. The amount of time and attention and stress and anxiety and commentary and pontificating and whatever else you want to call it was ridiculous. STOP IT!

What is it about us that cannot seem to wait for the outcome? Why are we so preoccupied with trying to figure it out in advance. The urge to have the knowledge and be like God is strong. The good Lord clearly tells us not to worry about tomorrow, to take one day at a time. God warns us “you do not know the day or the hour.”

We are not in control until it is time to be responsible — no sooner or later. Attempting to predict and control the outcome of the election in this case was futile and laughable. Being in control of our right and freedom to vote is exercising our responsibility. And then we allow the outcome and “truth” to be revealed.

There are so many lessons to be consumed from this spectacle. For me it is once again a reminder to be patient, don’t worry, let go, stay present, there are things we are not meant to understand, keep the faith, there is someone in control who is far greater than anyone here on earth. Fruit is sweetest when it is fully ripe. What lessons do you take away from this?

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