In the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas, Linus calls out “Lights Please” and takes center stage to deliver his recitation of the true meaning of Christmas. This sequence is even more profound for a significant uncharacteristic behavior from Linus. Linus, the keeper of the perpetual security blanket, delivers the speech with the blanket in hand (sometimes looking like the staff of a shepherd), until the moment he speaks the angelic words, “Fear Not.” At this point he lets go of his blanket allowing it to fall to the floor for the remainder of the oration.
This is a beautiful symbolic moment to embrace this Christmas and every day. With the birth of Jesus 2000+ years ago, Jesus is now with us and renders security blankets unnecessary. The prophet Isaiah describes this Son who is given to us as the one who teaches perfect wisdom (Wonderful Counselor), the one who has all power to deliver (Mighty God), the one who brings the Father’s love to us and exercises fatherly care for us (Everlasting Father), and especially as the Prince of Peace. Linus teaches and models this for us. Jesus assuredly displaces our need to cling to things of the world, to our attachments of security and comfort. It’s just not possible to confess “Fear Not” and proclaim tidings of great joy while also clutching surrogate security.
As we celebrate Christmas, amidst the flurry of activity and gifts, take a moment to release what you hold on to tightly and witness the truth of the coming of the Prince of Peace: “Fear Not.”
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