Perfect Year Process

by Ray Reuter on November 29, 2010

As we approach the end of this calendar year, and look ahead to next year, I encourage my clients, friends, and spouse to complete a “PERFECT YEAR” process.  Below are the recommended steps …

  1. What Would Make Your Year Perfect? As you look ahead to next year, what do you want to keep, add, change, redo, evolve, be, have, become, do, offer, fix, solve, provide, improve, initiate, learn.  On a sheet of paper, identify 25 elements which would make your year absolutely perfect.  Include those elements that are already working perfectly and also include those that are additionally needed to have this be an absolutely ideal year for you.
  2. Consider ALL areas of your life.  Force yourself to identify 25 items.  Write them down.  If you are doing this with a spouse / partner, each person should complete their PERFECT YEAR separately.
  3. Schedule a conversation when you share your Perfect Years.  Sharing should occur without judgment – listen, seek to understand.  Why is that item important to that person?  Why did you choose the things things on your list?
  4. Next, there is usually a consolidation that takes place because it is likely that not everything on both Perfect Years can be achieved!  So PRIORITIZE based on the following critical resources … TIME and MONEY.  Literally, get out a calendar for the next year and schedule things that are important.  Similarly, work on a budget that is aligned with what you want.
  5. Follow-through!  I recommend that at least quarterly you review your Perfect Years and discuss progress, changes, celebrate accomplishments, etc.


By following this process, your YEAR/LIFE will be “unfettered” and more fulfilling, and you will achieve MORE of what you want for yourself and those closest to you.

Download My Perfect Year Form.

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