When something is in “beta” it is in a state of development, testing, refinement. At some point the “thing” is ready for release and then work immediately begins on the next “beta” version. There is a constant evolution of the product or service or software. “Beta” is permanent.
Similarly, we are all works in progress — always in a state of unfettering or “permanent beta.” We are never finished and never fully developed. And that is the way God designed us!
Each of us has a unique original purpose created by God, the Creator. No one else can do what God calls each one of us to do. You and I are precious, unique, unrepeatable. God is always making us and everything around us. At every moment, we are being created. You are who God wants you to be. God loves you as you are — not as you might be or could be. God loves you and I because we are who we are, for God is making us who we are.
So let’s embrace ourselves in this new year and our beta-ness, all of it — and know that the Great Creator / Developer is committed to our lifelong continuous growth and development.
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